Peculiarities of technological adaptation of the CGMS system for agricultural crops monitoring in Ukraine
The Crop Growth Monitoring System (CGMS) is one of the most advanced systems of monitoring the conditions of crops growth and development and forecasting their yields in agrometeorological practice. The CGMS allows to assess the conditions of growth, development and accumulation of productive biomass of a number of agricultural crops - winter wheat, barley, maize, rice, sunflower, potatoes, soybean etc. For each of the crops the system must be adapted to specific territories taking into account meteorological, phenological, biological information and soil characteristics. The paper discusses the peculiarities of technological adaptation of the CGMS system (Crop Growth Monitoring System) including creation of a meteorological database for the period of 2000-2017 using standard meteorological observations of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center (UkrHMC) network; creation of a soil characteristics database by finding a correspondences of taxonomy of the soil map of Ukraine (scale:1:2500000) to classification of soils of the WRB; creation of a database of phenological characteristics such as TSUMEM (sum of temperatures within the period from sowing to coming-up), TSUM1 (sum of temperatures within the period from coming-up to blossoming) and TSUM2 (sum of temperatures within the period from blossoming to maturity) calculated according to the data obtained from agrometeorological posts and stations of the UkrHMC network for the period of 2000 - 2015 with regard to five main crops (winter wheat, maize, spring barley, soybean and sunflower); creation of a statistical crop capacity database at the regional and district levels. In addition, the paper considers spatial schematization of calculations and aggregation of agricultural crops productivity indicators obtained as a result of the WOFOST biophysical model application. It also outlines the scheme of crop capacity forecasting based on administrative units and the estimation of forecast accuracy for winter wheat crop capacity in administrative districts of Kiev region. The link to the website containing results of operation of the CGMS-Ukraine system is as follows: http:/
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