Zones of intensive interactions over the North Atlantic, 700 hPa level, November
The methods of cluster and component analysis were applied to the existing factors that are associated with the characteristics of heat and moisture exchange at 700 hPa level before their inclusion in the model of regional climates imitation, in order to detect zones of active interaction in the atmosphere over the North Atlantic and determine the regions hosting the processes that cause a significant impact on formation of features of climatic responsive regimes in the Eastern Europe. Each node of a 2,5º2,5º grid covering the North Atlantic has the first three main components identified and they describe more than 80 % of the total dispersion of the interaction processes at 700 hPa level. Using the Universal Iterative Method of data clustering the study defines the homogeneous regions in the fields of main components of vectors of state of meteorological characteristics at 700 hPa level over the North Atlantic. It also specifies a physical and statistical analysis of the obtained clustering schemes which has a good scientific substantiation and shows that the clusters of the first main component are of a large-scale type, and the second and third components have a focal character. At 700 hPa level clusters differ in the intensity of interaction processes. The intensity of processes is characterized by distribution and magnitude of weight loads, average values of representative vectors and intra-cluster dispersion. We determined that the first main component makes the basic contribution to the formation of the majority of initial meteorological values, and the third main component reflects the influence of local features on interaction processes. These facts are confirmed by the manner in which loads over the studied region are distributed on the initial characteristics of atmospheric processes. Intra-cluster dispersion reflects the degree of diversity of these processes by region. The study identifies correspondence of the high-altitude homogeneous zones of the main components to the near-surface cyclic energy-active ocean zones.
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