Evaluation of recreational potential of Odesa Region’s beach zones
Among all the natural resources available in Odesa Region vacationists prefer beaches and associated entertainments. Quality and general ecological condition of the beaches in addition to the potential and actual beach capacity are key factors for tourist flow to Odesa Region and its socio-economic development. In order to substantiate the recreational and tourist development of the territory an economic and logistic evaluation of its resource base should be carried out. This will make it possible to determine an input tourist flow which dictates the volumes of required tourist infrastructure and material and technical facilities. The purpose of this study is to evaluate recreational potential of Odesa Region’s beach zones. To achieve this, all main natural and anthropogenic factors determining the recreational potential of the coastal zone were analyzed. The study is also based on scientific researches in the field of recreational and tourist activities made by well-known experts, on the existing regulatory frameworks and results of the authors' own research works. For the first time, recreational capacity and logistic potential of Odesa Region’s beach zones were estimated. Based on this estimation multiple conclusions about the most promising areas for future development of the recreation sector were made. It was determined that favorable climatic conditions, considerable length of beaches and other natural and recreational resources allow us to speak about good prospects of the Odesa Region’s coastal zone for various forms of recreation including thalassotherapy. In fact, thalassotherapy opportunity (first of all, beach recreation) is a very important factor of attractiveness for vacationists visiting the Odesa Region’s coastal zone. According to our research, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Tatarbunarskyi and Lymanskyi districts are the most promising ones for recreational development. The total capacity of the beaches here even exceeds the districts' own population. Conducted recreational zoning of the Odesa’s Black Sea coast established that, based on the natural recreational factors, out of 9 recreational microdistricts only 3 of them may be classified as favorable, with 5 being relatively favorable and 1 – completely unfavorable. But, from the perspective of sea water quality, some microdistricts (Luzanivskyi and Arkadiyskyi) do not meet sanitary standards during the period of intense precipitation. It was found that there is a need for expansion of beach areas as well as a need for regulation and redistribution of the recreational and tourist flow. In order to increase recreational attractiveness of Odesa Region, regional and city administrations should pay more attention to the ecological conditions of beach areas of the Black Sea coast. The obtained results may be used by the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Odesa Regional State Administration, divisions of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine in order to assess the recreational potential of the Odesa Region’s beach areas.
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