Public monitoring as a tool for assessing the state of the air basin in the Ukrainian Regions
Over the recent years automated observation systems that work continuously and allow obtaining information at any time have been widely implemented. Such systems include public monitoring systems in order to receive more complete information about the quality characteristics of the air basin over Ukraine. Examples of public monitoring organizations include SaveEcoBot, EcoCity, SaveDnipro.
The information presented on the websites of the public monitoring system contains large amount of data that are difficult to process and analyze. In order to optimize data processing, a program called PublicMonitoringParser was developed. It transforms large volumes of data presented on the Internet resource into compact, convenient, small files containing average monthly concentrations of pollutants and indicators of meteorological parameters. The program is written using the C# programming language and the .NET platform. The structure of the program and the principles of its operation are presented in this research.
According to the data of the website the developed program was applied for assessment of the air basin state of Lviv Region in 2021. In general, for most substances, monitoring data were available only at the station in the city of Lviv at the following address: 13 Plastova Str. Monitoring of PM2.5 and PM10 content was carried out across the whole region.
It was detected that the content of NO2, SO2, NH3 exceeded the limit value. Significant excesses were also noted for the NH3 content (up to 9 – 16 MPC). It was established that the location of the public monitoring station was surrounded by industrial buildings, numerous transport industry enterprises, an oil depot for OKKO gas stations and city sewage treatment facilities. A comparison of the data obtained at stationary and automated points that monitor individual pollutants showed that the results are comparable only for the NO2 content.
Data from automated observation points complement the network of stationary points. Currently, the existing stationary network of atmospheric pollution monitoring across most regions of Ukraine is outdated and needs to be re-equipped. In general, it is necessary to further implement automated systems that are able to characterize the state of the air basin across individual populated places in a more complete and detailed manner.
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