Classification of synoptic processes in the territory of Ukraine using a modified Jenkinson and Collison method
During the year, the territory of Ukraine is under the influence of various synoptic processes, which have a certain evolution in the surface conditions of the region and sometimes lead to the formation of unfavorable and dangerous weather conditions. The classification of synoptic processes makes it possible to create a set of daily synoptic situations taking into account the characteristics of a certain region, both for their use in weather forecasting and for studying the dynamics of regional synoptic processes under climate change. In this study, the modified version of Jenkinson and Collison method is used to classify synoptic processes on the territory of Ukraine, which is based on pressure data at the sea surface level and the geopotential heights at the level 500 hPa. The analysis of the obtained set of daily types of atmospheric circulation for the period 1948-2021 and the composite pressure fields built for each circulation type showed that all synoptic situations are clearly defined according to the classification and have seasonal features of frequency. During the year, advective processes of the western circulation group prevail, eastern advection is also often observed, and this type of circulation dominates in the spring months. The processes of the southern group are most relevant on the cold period of the year. Anticyclones occur more often over the region in winter and autumn, and cyclones are observed in summer and spring. The inclusion of 500 hPa level data in the classification makes it possible to take into account the three-dimensional structure of synoptic objects and distinguish such types of circulation as low cyclones and cold anticyclones, as well as troughs and cut-off lows at heights. It was found that low (thermal) cyclones and anticyclones make up a small proportionof synoptic situations, so the feasibility of their further inclusion in the typification for the territory of Ukraine is being discussed. The processes associated with the cut-off lows at the upper levels turned out to quite rare, but due to the possibility of the formation of dangerous weather conditions, this type of circulation is necessary in the classification of regional synoptic processes.
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