Analysis of the environmental state of the Sarata River in Odesa Region

  • N. S. Loboda
  • A. M. Kuza
Keywords: the Sarata River, biogenic substances, modified water pollution index, environmental risks of chemical pollution, probit function


The relevance of the study is dictated by the need to preserve the water resources of southern Ukraine and ensure their good environmental condition. In the context of military operations, Odesa Region plays a key role in providing the country with agricultural products because of significant damage incurred to agricultural lands of Mykolaiv and Kherson Regions in the course of military actions. Hence the role of irrigation and the need to restore and modernize irrigation systems are growing. One of fresh water reservoirs of Odesa Region is Sasyk reservoir (artificially created as part of the estuary) which accumulates fresh water supplied from the Danube. The Kogylnyk and the Sarata rivers flow into the northern part of the reservoir and can worsen its hydroecological condition. The subject of the study: pollution of the rivers across North-Western Black Sea Coast by chemicals. The object of the study: the environmental state of the Sarata River. The study is aimed at assessing the environmental state and environmental risks of chemical pollution of the Sarata River. The water quality assessment was performed based on a modified version of water pollution index (WPI). Biogenic substances (ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen) were identified as the main pollutants. The content of chlorides and sulfates is also significant. The assessment of the pollution risks by biogenic substances is based on calculations of the statistical probit function. The source materials of the research include hydrochemical observations made by the State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine for the period from 2007 to 2023 in the upper reaches of the Sarata River - village of Miniailivka (94 km from the mouth, near the border with Moldova) and in the lower reaches of the Sarata River - village of Bilolissya (14.3 km from the mouth). The analysis of probability of exceeding the MPC for fishery use indicated that, in terms of nitrite ions and nitrate ions, such probability is higher in the upper basin than in the lower one. According to other indicators, the probability of exceeding the MPC by pollutants is either almost the same or slightly increased in the lower reaches. The assessment of water quality according to the modified WPI (dissolved oxygen, BOD5, ammonium, nitrite and nitrate ions, phosphates) showed that the water quality in the Sarata River mainly belongs to the "moderately polluted" and "polluted" classes. According to the environmental risk indicators, it was established that the possibility of a "high" risk of contamination by biogenic substances does prevail. Its probability is 52.9% for the upper reaches and 60% for the lower reaches. The "high" level of class IV pollution (ER=0.60-0.79) corresponds to an "unsatisfactory" environmental condition. The probability of achieving the class of a "good" environmental condition (class II, ER=0.20-0.39) is quite small: 17.6% in the upper reaches and only 6.67% in the lower reaches. Thus, the Sarata River belongs to such rivers, the natural properties of which underwent significant changes as a result of sewage delivery from "Sarata Komunservis" utility enterprise, settlement of Sarata. Contaminated waters are unsuitable for drinking, household and sports purposes, as well as for fish farming. The quality of the Sarata River's water has a negative impact on the environmental state of Sasyk reservoir.


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How to Cite
Loboda, N. S., & Kuza, A. M. (2024). Analysis of the environmental state of the Sarata River in Odesa Region. Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Journal, (33), 18-37.
Hydrology, Water Resourses, Hydrochemistry