Сharacteristics of demolition waste management in the regions of Ukraine

  • T. A. Safranov
  • V. Yu. Prykhodko
  • V. I. Mykhailenko
Keywords: destruction waste, waste management, reuse, post-war restoration


The volume of waste left from war-related destruction amounts to 10-12 million tons per year. Such volume is comparable to the annual volume of municipal solid waste generated in Ukraine. This situation led to formation of unauthorized landfills and complicated the existing problem of industrial, consumer, construction and demolition waste management. Consequently, the issue of destruction waste management became a pressing environmental and socio-economic problem. The objective of this research is to assess the characteristics of destruction waste management in the regions of Ukraine. Destruction waste is generated during construction of new buildings and public structures, as well as during renovation or demolition of existing buildings and structures; including general-use facilities. It is estimated that, before the war, nearly 7 million tons of construction and demolition waste was generated annually, with more than 50% being transported to municipal solid waste landfills. Specialized landfills for its disposal were virtually non-existent in the regions of Ukraine, so this waste, despite its resource value, was taken to municipal solid waste landfills or unauthorized dumps. Some components of construction and demolition waste are toxic. Destruction waste includes parts (fragments) of damaged (destroyed) objects, as well as materials and items that were inside or next to such objects at the time of damage (destruction) and/or during disassembly activities, including those that fully or partially lost their consumer properties and cannot be reused at the place of their origin or discovery. Destruction waste pollutes the environment, so one of the ways to reduce environmental risks is to develop an effective waste management system to stop chaotic processes during disassembly activities. Destruction waste differs from construction and demolition waste by the presence of accompanying hazardous components, complicating the development of a waste management system. The main components of destruction waste should be used as secondary raw materials for construction, production of building materials and other purposes. Provided that appropriate physical-geographic, engineering-geological, hydrogeological, technical, and socio-economic conditions are available, it is advisable to create temporary waste storage sites, with their subsequent use as secondary raw materials in the post-war period for restoration of civil, industrial, and transport infrastructure in the regions of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Safranov, T. A., Prykhodko, V. Y., & Mykhailenko, V. I. (2024). Сharacteristics of demolition waste management in the regions of Ukraine. Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Journal, (33), 88-98. https://doi.org/10.31481/uhmj.33.2024.07
Environmental Aspects of Nature Management