Agroecological aspects of nutrients absorption by industrial crops in the conditions of Odesa Region

  • P. S. Nikitin
  • V. G. Ilina
Keywords: industrial crops, dynamics, methodology, biogenic elements, mineral fertilizers, yield


Modern agroindustrial activities that are focused on intensive methods of agricultural production require a deep understanding of the processes occurring in agroecosystems. Odesa Region is characterised by specific agroclimatic conditions and soil cover features making the study of this issue higly relevant. Intensive use of industrial crops requires knowledge about absorption and removal of biogenic elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

The importance of this research is determined by the need to reveal the dynamics of biogenic elements absorption by industrial crops in the conditions of Odesa Region, taking into account its agroclimatic and soil characteristics. The results of this research are intended to contribute to development of scientifically grounded recommendations for farmers and agricultural enterprises regarding effective management of agroecosystems.

This will not only increase productivity of industrial crops but also ensure environmental sustainability of agricultural practices. Identifying the optimal conditions for absorption and removal of biogenic elements will contribute to improvement of soil fertility and preservation of its productivity in a long-term perspective. The conclusions and recommendations obtained during the research can be used to improve agronomic practices, reduce environmental impact, and increase efficiency of agricultural production.

Considering current trends of agricultural development, it is necessary to pay special attention to optimization of agrotechnical measures allowing reduction of expenses for fertilizers and improvement of their efficiency. Introduction of new technologies is another important aspect to be considered. It will allow more precise determination of plants' nutrient needs and help to provide them with nutrients according to their growth phases. In addition, it is necessary to consider the interaction between different nutrient elements that can affect their availability and plants' ability to assimilate them.


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How to Cite
Nikitin, P. S., & Ilina, V. G. (2024). Agroecological aspects of nutrients absorption by industrial crops in the conditions of Odesa Region. Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Journal, (33), 99-107.
Environmental Aspects of Nature Management