Results of calculation of wave-wind water dynamics at the Tiligul Estuary

  • O. I. Sakhnenko
Keywords: North-Western Black Sea coast, the Tiligul Estuary, water dynamics, numerical modelling


Features of spatial distribution of the main parameters of wind waves, such as height, average orbital velocities of wave motions determining transportation of bottom material were specified. Maximum heights of significant waves were obtained in the central, most deep-water part of the estuary, as well as in the southern part and near the windward shores. At the time of storm winds maximum heights of significant waves, according to the simulation results, constitute up to 0,83 m. On the basis of calculations of wind waves with application of the SWAN numerical model (Simulating Waves Nearshore) made using wind observations during 2012, regime functions of wind waves’ heights for different parts of the estuary were built. Statistical estimates of wind waves’ heights at typical points of the estuary waters were analyzed. Spatial fields of wind-wave flows in the estuary under the influence of steady winds of the southern and western directions calculated using the complex of numerical mathematical models of wind wave generation and models of wind-wave water circulation based on Reynolds equations and supplemented with com-ponents of the wave radiation stresses were specified.


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How to Cite
Sakhnenko, O. I. (2016). Results of calculation of wave-wind water dynamics at the Tiligul Estuary. Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Journal, (18), 140-149.
Oceanography and Sea Nature Management