Brief overview of meteorological research in the late XX - early XXI century in Ukraine
In the paper the review of the meteorological research in Ukraine at the end of the 20-th century – the beginning of the 21-th century was made. Researches in the field of meteorology are performed mainly by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute of the State Service of Emergencies of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Odessa State Environmental University (OSENU) and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TSNUK).
The studies of UkrHMI scientific schools headed by well-known scientists in the field of meteorology were devoted to the development of new theories, methods, models in the field of the weather forecasting and dangerous situations in Ukraine, radiation balance, agrometeorology, climate researches in the Ukraine, numerical modeling of cloud physics and active effects on clouds, numerical methods in analysis and forecast of natural and technogenic processes in the atmosphere.
In OSENU, where two scientific schools are established, the scientists study the formation of severe weather and its forecast, diagnose and forecast mesoscale atmospheric circulations, identify nonlinear interaction between the main global structures, detect the features of circulation processes in high latitudes of the southern hemisphere, conduct systematic studies in the field of numerical modelling of physics and dynamics of atmospheric processes with the Enviro-HIRLAM and HARMONIE models.
Scientists of TSNUK study changes in the total column ozone amount in the atmosphere of Antarctic Region and the mid-latitudes of Northern Hemisphere. The work on analyzing the state of climatic parameters and changing the current climate of Ukraine is being carried out at the KNU.
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