Problems and prospects of climatology development in Ukraine
The article analyzes the current state of climatology in Ukraine, the problems and prospects for its development. It is shown that although Ukraine the signed the Paris Agreement and this fact is very important for the development of modern climatology, Ukraine's state policy on climate change has a fragmented character and is currently considered exclusively as a component of environmental policy. The lack of systems approach to the problem of climate change makes it impossible to make management decisions on actions for climate change adaptation and mitigation at the scale of whole economy of Ukraine. At the same time, the new tasks, which are due to the expediency of ratification by Ukraine of the Paris Agreement and the further implementation of its provisions, require the development of a coherent and consistent state policy on climate change. The main scientific directions of the development of climate services in Ukraine are presented in accordance with the Global Framework for Climate Services. The main tasks for each element of climate services – a platform for interaction with users, an information system for climate services, observing and monitoring systems, capacity development – are outlined for Ukraine, problems are indicated and prospective directions of development are proposed.
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