Statistical structure of the fields of geopotential heights of 850 hPA pressure level in the western sector of the Southern hemisphere
Study of the El Niño-La Niña is a major challenge for the scientific community. In addition to the impact on weather and climate in different regions of the Earth, this phenomenon is associated with the socio-economic impact for many countries. The task of such a large-scale phenomenon prognosis is associated with considerable difficulties, one of the main problems is the infrequency of its occurrence and changes in the characteristics between the events. Therefore, a comprehensive study of its urgent task for the international scientific community. This paper presents the results of a study of the statistical structure of the fields of geopotential heights of 850 hPa pressure level in the western sector of the Southern hemisphere. The study was conducted using a component analysis. Decomposition fields of principal components in different scales are shown. Filtered field anomalies suggest tendencies of formation of the zonal Walker' cells, characteristic for the warm period of El Niño, La Niña, when the structure of the Walker' cell is less pronounced. Tendencies offset to the east of the Pacific high in the Southern Hemisphere to split it into two parts, as can be seen from the fields of geopotential height anomalies. The zonal circulation Walker' cell in the warm and cold phases of ENSO is clearly appeared in the fields of geopotential heights, when is highlight the part caused by the second principal components.
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