Spatial and temporal identification of baric systems in low troposphere and midtroposphere
According to the terms of synoptic meteorology baric systems of low troposphere and midtroposphere are the main objects for research of large-scale circulation processes. Therefore, knowledge of their typical places of origin, their movement and characteristics is extremely critical.
The purpose of this publication consists in analyzing existing methods and algorithms used for identification and tracking of baric systems in low troposphere and midtroposphere. This will allow for distinguishing the most output data and methods for further usage.
Results. A unified methodology for identification and tracking of baric systems was developed. It is based on a step-by-step identification of isolated clusters of low and high pressure or geopotential height throughout the entire depth of low and middle troposphere from a ground level to a 500 hPa isobaric level. Centers of clusters on different levels over a specific period of time are integrated in a single vertical profile which represents a certain baric system. Tracking of baric system movement is conducted using the method of the nearest neighbor which was improved to ensure more accurate detection of fast-moving and short-living cyclones. A software application for automatic identification of baric systems in the Northern Hemisphere and generation of sets of kinematic maps of natural synoptic periods was developed. A database of baric systems which existed in the Northern hemisphere during 1976-2016 was also created.
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