Monitoring the solar energy resources of Ukraine
Amid political and, consequently, economic and environmental problems engulfing Ukraine one of the today's challenges consists in studying the possibility of use of natural potential of renewable energy sources. Resources of solar radiation have no negative impact on the natural environment and human activity. Therefore development of helioenergetics and at the same time climatic substantiation of solar power plants use research become more and more important. The purpose of this article is to evaluate of the solar radiation potential opportunities for implementation of technical innovations within the territory of Ukraine and to identify prospects of helioenergetics development. Special indicators of solar radiation components for 1961-1990 s are showed. Using the method of mathematical statistics we defined a value of direct solar radiation contribution forming a part of the total radiation for the warm season (April-September). During the period of 1991-2015 an increase of solar radiation climatic resources relative to climatological standard norm of 1961-1990 was revealed. Over 2001-2015 annual direct and total solar radiation values increased even more in comparison to 1991-2000. Increase of duration of sunshine was also observed. Due to changes of radiation characteristics special indicators of solar for 1991-2015 were specified. The prospects of solar radiation use in helioenergetics proved their feasibility in Crimea, steppe zone, eastern part of forest-steppe zone and even in some parts of Polissya. Comparing to previous years, in terms of sunshine duration over 2000 hours per annum the territory expanded northward. Restrictions on innovations implementation apply to western forest-steppe zone and mountainous areas of Ukrainian Carpathians. Increase of solar radiation regime components determining the feasibility of solar power energy resources form the basis for their countrywide use.
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