Agrometeorological research in Ukraine
The article in question describes the history of development of agrometeorological service activities for agricultural production from the days of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov to the present. It is pointed out that the agrometeorological service experienced especially rapid development in the second half of the twentieth century. Establishment of the Department of Agricultural Meteorology in 1953 at the Ukrainian Research Hydrometeorological Institute stimulated development of agrometeorological research in Ukraine. Three stages can be distinguished in researches of this department on the influence of weather conditions on yield formation. At the first stage (1953 - 1963) generalization and systematization of the materials for study into agrohydrological soil properties were performed. At the second stage (1963 - 1973) a working hypothesis on the scheme for taking account of the influence of weather conditions on the vegetative mass increase was formulated, and a correlation analysis of crop productivity with hydrometeorological elements was carried out. A huge amount of work on research into the regime of photosynthetically active radiation and crop productivity as well as into the phytoclimate of the sown areas has been performed. The third stage (since 1974) is the stage of formation of a basic model for crop productivity and development of methods for forecasting productivity.
The agrometeorological service activities for agricultural production at every level is implemented in accordance with the approved annual plans for hydrometeorological activity of organizations. A basis for the agrometeorological provision is formed by the materials of meteorological and agrometeorological observations which are conducted at 163 meteorological stations throughout the country.
The Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine represents the country in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), an agency of the United Nations Organization (UNO). Leading agrometeorology experts take part in the activity of WMO Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM).
Relying on the scientifically substantiated methods of agrometeorological assessment, forecasts and recommendations, the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center and the regional centres for Hydrometeorology provide all the agricultural industries of the Agroindustrial complex with relevant information.

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