Hydrological science in universities and perspectives of its further development in Ukraine
Development of the Hydrology in universities of Ukraine is the formation and development of scientific schools, which promote of the better training of professionals.
Purpose of the article - to show the history of hydrological science in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, the formation of scientific schools, their achievements and problems, outline prospects for the development of Hydrology in universities .
The article presents the history of hydrological science in higher educational institutions of Ukraine since 1922, when E. Oppokov first time in Ukraine established the Department of Hydrology at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, that passed difficult path of transformation and now is presented at the National University of Water Management and Nature (Rivne). It was described the development of hydrology at the Odessa State Environmental University (since 1932), Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (since 1946), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (since 1949), Oles Gonchar Dnipro National University (since 2008). The results of the work of scientists hydrologists at these universities, especially Odessa scientific school of theoretical and applied hydrology and Kiev University scientific school of hydrochemistry and hydroecology was considered.
Hydrological Sciences at the Universities of Ukraine have a long tradition that has formed during last century. In general, it is today developing in the mainstream global hydrology. Prospects of Hydrological Sciences is closely linked to prospects of the national economy. Ukrainian hydrologists must work more closely with international institutions on joint research projects. The task of universities is not only intensify research, but also in improving the training of specialists hydrologists from the time when hydrology was included in "Earth Sciences".
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