The Earth angle moment balance, low-frequency atmospheric processes and radiowaveguides: ii. application of an advanced non-stationary theory for different forms of atmosphere circulation
In the paper we present the results of application of a new advanced non-stationary theory of global mechanisms in atmospheric low-frequency processes, the balance of the angular momentum of the Earth, teleconnection effects and atmospheric radio waveguides, for the Pacific ocean region for different forms of the atmosphere circulation. The theory is realized and implemented into Microsystem Technology "GeoMath" and focused on the discovery and testing of new predictors for long-term and very long-forecasts of low-frequency atmospheric processes. The PC experiments have demonstrated an effectiveness of a new advanced theory in application to modeling balance of angular momentum, the atmospheric moisture turnover in relation to the genesis of tropospheric radio waveguides and succession processes of atmospheric circulation forms (teleconnection, front-genesis) in order to develop new practical sensors in long-term forecasting and modeling of low-frequency atmospheric processes. It is determined a link of tropospheric waveguide with atmospheric moisture circulation and, accordingly, with the shape of the atmospheric circulation over the position of the front sections of (atmospheric fronts as the main drives moisture). Atmospheric moisture cycle is linked with such typical low-frequency process as the angular momentum balance; the latter accounts violation of the atmosphere rotating balance with the Earth.
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