Hermal resources of Ukraine in the conditions of climate change
Climatic changes that take place during the last decades entailed a global rise in temperature of climate. In connection with it more active the methods of prognostication of global changes develop and them possible consequences, a modern scientific association is for the estimation of future changes mainly uses four threads of story, for each of witch different scenarios were developed witch the use different conceptions of design. In the offered article this article offers comparative analysis of the thermal regime figures from 1986 to 2005, and outlines expectations for their change, calculated for the territory of Ukraine, 2011-2050, in accordance with three scenarios of climate change: GFDL-30%, A1B, and A2. Among these expectations are earlier dates for air temperatures transitioning between ranges in the spring, as well as later dates in the fall, general increase in mean air temperatures, growth in temperature sums, and changes in temperature amplitudes.
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