Agricultural plant residues in the Odessa oblast: perspectives for biogas production
An area of the Odessa oblast includes 26 administrative districts with developed agricultural traditions. The productivity of main grain crops in the Odessa oblast comprises several million tons every year. Annually, the vegetable residues in the Odessa oblast upon harvesting make a significant amount. Biomass includes both nutritional and energy potential, which requires new approach in the storage and treatment. At the same time, the current problems with high cost of the traditional energy sources create various obstacles in the fields of agricultural activity.
Recently, considerable attention is focused on the process of biological conversion of the biomass to methane. Rising segment of biomass application in the energy strategies all over the world implies the need for greater accumulation of biomass resources to meet the demand.
The purpose of this publication is an assessment of vegetable biomass amount in the districts of the Odessa oblast, potential of nutrients and biogas energy generated from the biomass. The analysis corresponds to the search of new alternative energy resources and the rational use of organic biomass.
The agricultural biomass residues are the resource category with relatively high regeneration capacity. This property can be used for producing nutrient-rich organic fertilizers and high-energy biogas to compensate the traditional fossil fuel dependence.
The availability of agricultural biomass resources was found to demonstrate the great perspectives for the bioenergy sector, first of all in view of the adopted waste management strategies.
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