Modified climate influence on rates development of spring barley in Ukraine
Materials of World statistics show that today climate change on the planet coincides with the period of the rise of food shortages in the world community. To assess the possible impact of climate change in Ukraine agro-climatic indicators used two scenarios: a "moderate" - A1B which provides a balance between all energy sources, and "hard" - A2, which provides for ne-uncertainty regarding the determining factors and is based on the use of cut - modeling concepts that are used are similar, assumptions regarding determinant factors. One of the simplest methods reflect possible changes in the climate regime any meteorological values are compared with past data, including se-sized perennial in the reference period. In this study, the baseline is set between 1986 and 2005 according to agro-climatic directory Ukraine. According to calculations by climate change scenarios A2 and A1B terms and sowing spring barley next phase of development before. But the pace of the offensive phase, resulting in phase between the time for all periods will increase, which will increase the growing season. The most significant change scenarios will be observed in the amounts of precipitation. These changes will increase slight moisture crops in all areas except the steppe.
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