Influence of climatic changes on mode of moistening of vegetation period in Ukraine
Climatic terms of Ukraine of material well-being by moisture is qualify cater for thereceipt of stable and high harvests of agricultural cultures. In this connection extraordinarily important is a study of modern dynamics of the mode of precipitations and its estimation on the 30-50 nearest years. The mode of fallouts, evaporation, is evaporated, deficit of evaporation, a coefficient moistening of G.Т Selyaninov is examined in comparison for periods: 1986-2005 years (base period) and expected after three scenarios of changes of climate of their values in a period from 2011 to 2030 and from 2031 to 2050 years. The expected common increase of annual amount of fallouts and increase of unevenness of their distribution are marked on the seasons of year in all soil-climatic zones of Ukraine, except South Steppe. Reduction of amount of fallouts is in South Steppe, especially in a spring-summer period, will cause the increase of droughtyness of climate.
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