Peculiarities of biogenic elements migration in case of complex utilization of bioorganic component of municipal solid waste
Finding solutions to the problem of municipal solid waste management is impossible without involvement in the waste management system of the largest group of wastes – bioorganic waste, which form up to 60% of the municipal solid waste total mass. The aim of the article is to analyze the redistribution of biogenic elements subject to implementation of the Concept of solid municipal waste management by OSENU and subsequent utilization of bioorganic waste flow. Research methods include mass balance and equations of methane generation. The article presents the results of research on the biogenic elements migration in case of complex utilization of bioorganic component of municipal solid waste. The study shows that processing of easy-decomposed organic waste into a gaseous fermentation product and biomineral fertilizer allows full involvement of biogenic elements in natural cycles. The processed solid products present an additional source of organic matter and biogenic elements needed by soil. In the event of humus and nutrients shortage in soil the retrieved-from-waste fertilizer becomes an important secondary resource, containing up to 65% carbon and almost 100% nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The rest of carbon is released with biogas and is eventually involved in natural cycles. Burial of such waste results in localization of biogenic elements in a landfill's body and gradual release of carbon with the products of destruction (27% over 50 years). All this data indicate the need for efficient use of such waste resource potential which is possible in case of easy-decomposed organic waste separation at the beginning of the municipal solid waste life cycle. Combustion releases only carbon in the form of carbon dioxide, the rest remains in ash. However, complex utilization of easy-decomposed organic waste ensures complete return of biogenic elements to the environment. Reuse of secondary raw materials in the form of paper and textile waste minimizes involvement in economic turnover of carbon from natural sources.
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