Research of road transport noise load in the central part of the City of Poltava
The studies were conducted in accordance with the requirements set out in the Declaration of the European Union "On Environmental Noise Assessment" and are closely related to finding solutions of the problems set out in the Law of Ukraine "On Ensuring Sanitary and Epidemic Welfare of the Population".
The paper presents experimental and calculation studies on the assessment of noise pollution in the central part of Poltava. The results of such studies confirmed the hypothesis of exceeding the normative values of noise levels within some sections of the streets and directly at the intersections. It was found that the main causes of noise pollution include high intensity of public and light commercial transport means, large number of intersections and stops, poor road surface, as well as lack of acoustic protection, including lack of landscaping along roadsides. The research visually characterizes and investigates the boundaries of acoustic pollution areas distribution. Exceedence of the noise pollution normative values extends to the distance of up to 150 m from the experimental study points.
The study determines the number of residents of the district who fall into high noise load areas and estimates the magnitude of risks to health of the citizens living within such areas. Experimental studies established a link between a negative impact of external noise generated by urban vehicles and urban residents' health state that requires hygienic research with application of WHO-recommended risk analysis methodology. It was found that almost 5,000 people from the study area spend most of their lives in the neighbourhoods where the noise level exceeds the permissible value of 55 dBA. Almost 2,000 of them live in the houses where penetrating noise exceeds the value of 40 dBA.
Based on the results of theoretical provisions and conclusions, certain practical recommendations for management of noise pollution risks in the urban area were developed.
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