Modelling greenhouse gas emission from organic soils (PEAT-GHG-model)
It is considered that the organic substance of plant residues as well as one of the soil are subdivided into two active compartments and an inert compartment: resistant plant material - RPM, decomposition plant material - DPM, inert organic material - IOM are distinguished, as well as pools of microbiological biomass, BIO, and humus, HUM. All major processes of C and N turnover are included in a model; their intensity is described by a first-order equation. CO2 and CH4 emission under decomposition is studied. Main processes of nitrogen form transformation are simulated under the influence of environmental factors: ammonification, nitrification, denitrification, immobilization, nitrogen absorption by the plant rootage, carry-over of nitrates outside the soil layer of 0 - 50 cm during moisture infiltration, N2O emission under nitrification and denitrification.
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