Theoretical and methodological aspects of sea ecosystem risks management
In the context of worsening anthropogenic impact, climate change and natural disasters, the problem of managing the sea areas' ecosystem risks is becoming quite important. This research aims at exploring the modern theoretical and methodological aspects of the aforesaid scientific orientation and focuses on the analysis and evaluation of existing concepts and strategies.
The article analyses main terms and principles and also presents a conceptual model for managing the sea ecosystem risks that plays a key role in reflecting the main theoretical components and their interrelationships. The model contributes to a better understanding of the structure and characteristics of this theory, emphasizing the complexity of interactions between socio-economic systems and marine ecosystems, as well as the risks arising from such interactions. The main elements of the model include natural and anthropogenic factors and consider their impact on the state of marine ecosystems and the risks associated therewith. The model also focuses on well-being, ecosystem stability and biodiversity, i.e. the parameters determining the status and functionality of marine ecosystems.
The research presents a comparative analysis of various methodologies and strategies of ecosystem risks management. The analysis allowed identification of the most effective of them at certain stages of creating an optimum strategy for managing the ecosystem risks. Risk management strategies can be implemented using a variety of tools, such as marine spatial planning, creation of marine protected areas, basic ecosystem management, resource management, and a marine environmental quality management system developed in accordance with the requirements of the EU Marine Strategy Directive. These strategies integrate different approaches to managing the ecosystem risks and contribute to conservation of ecosystems ensuring the marine environment stability.
The work made it possible to open up the prospects for further scientific research, namely development of hypotheses in order to increase theoretical knowledge and develop practical recommendations in the field of management of water areas' ecosystem risks.
The conclusions of the research are aimed at creating a theoretical and methodological base that will contribute to analyzing and developing effective strategies for managing the water areas' ecosystem risks.
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