Useful properties of natural systems within specific parts of the North-Western Black Sea Region's coastal zone
The paper characterizes the term 'ecosystem services' i.e. useful resources and benefits that present-day humanity can receive from nature (both tangible and intangible benefits from the abiogenic and biogenic components of various natural ecosystems). The purpose of the work is to assess the beneficial properties of natural systems of certain parts of the coastal zone of the North-Western Black Sea. There is a quite broad approach to the very concept of ‘ecosystem services’. However, the connection of ecosystem services with natural ecosystems only and their free of charge essence may be often disregarded. The term ‘ecosystem services’ is not appropriate, since natural ecosystems cannot provide any services considering that 'a service' means an act or a purposeful action. Nature exists and does not provide any services, while natural resources and conditions exist independently of human beings.
The term ‘services’ cannot be used in relation to natural ecosystems, since ‘services’ mean some purposeful activity of a person resulting in occurrence of a beneficial effect that can satisfy any human needs. In the sphere of nature management a natural system serves as a main object of research. When it comes to optimizing the nature management, it is more correct to speak about use of a certain part of natural resources, i.e. about a natural resources potential, rather than about use of them in their entirety. A number of scientists believe that the value of nature is infinite, and, therefore, cannot have a monetary equivalent. However, at present days, the economic valuation of ecosystem services is extremely important to ensure efficient nature management and can form a basis for making informed management decisions. This approach is dominant though, because such monetization helps people in their understanding of importance of conserving the biogenic and abiogenic components of natural systems for the sake of their lives. Instead of the term ‘ecosystem services’ the author suggests using the concept of ‘useful properties of natural systems’, i.e. their providing, regulating and cultural services, as well as supporting properties. The useful properties of natural systems are limited by both hazardous natural processes and physical, chemical and biological pollution of anthropogenic origin. The research offers an assessment of useful properties of natural systems within specific parts of the North-Western Black Sea Region's coastal zone (in Odesa Oblast). These natural ecosystems can provide tangible benefits, however, the possibility of using their beneficial properties is negatively affected by a progressing technogenic impact on the components of the natural environment of urbanization processes, development of industries, energy, transport and agricultural sectors of our economy, and, starting from February 2022, by the military activities and combat operations.
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