Comprehensive assessment of anthropogenic loads and consequences of their influence on the environmental state of water bodies (as exemplified by the Gruzka River, Kirovohrad Region)
The relevance of the research is determined by the need of developing and improving the methods for assessing the extent and consequences of anthropogenic loads' impact on water bodies.
The research was carried out as part of the study and research activities conducted by the Department of Hydroecology and Water Research of OSENU. It is dedicated to the topic "Assessment of Anthropogenic Impact on Aquatic Ecosystems".
The purpose of the work is to determine the environmental status of water bodies based on the comprehensive approach (calculations related to the consequences of anthropogenic loads' impact on water resources and the environmental state of surface waters, including assessment of pollution risks and failure to achieve environmental objectives).
Research methods include assessment of the characteristics of unstudied rivers' water resources in terms of hydrology based on the used meteorological data (climate-runoff model); assessment of anthropogenic loads' impact on water resources and on prospects of achieving a good environmental state of water bodies in accordance with the requirements of the EU's WFD; assessment of environmental risks based on the Prob function application and creation of a scale of water quality indicators and risks correspondence.
Determination of a comprehensive indicator of the Gruzka River's water resources use showed that reduction of water flow characteristics due to climate changes does not significantly affect the river's environmental condition that remains "unsatisfactory".
It was also established that household wastewater is the main pollutant of the Gruzka River that supplies water to reserve water reservoir Lelekivske (City of Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovohrad Region). Almost all criteria related to assessment of the consequences of anthropogenic loads (wastewater discharge, plant and animal husbandry, chemical and physico-chemical parameters) indicate a risk of not achieving a good ecological state. During the modern period, the river continues suffering from significant anthropogenic influence whose level is close to the limit of ecosystem sustainability.
It was established that the use of ER environmental risk that is based on the Prob indicator complements the information about the river's environmental state.
The proposed comprehensive approach can be used for water bodies that remain unsufficiently studied in terms of hydrology and hydrochemistry.
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