Development of calculated and normative framework in the field of maximum runoff of rain and spring flood: problems and possible solutions

  • E.D. Gopchenko
  • M.E. Romanchuk
  • V.A. Ovcharuk
Keywords: maximum runoff, rain floods, spring floods, the design characteristics, layers runoff, transformation function of flood waves, river bed network, the channel-flood plain regulation


The article deals with the problematic issues  related to the definition of the design characteristics of the maximum runoff of rain and spring floods the  rare  probability of exceedance in the case absence of direct observations for hydrological regime of rivers. A brief review of foreign and domestic methods to determine the maximum runoff of the rivers is discussed. A new calculated and normative framework based on the theory of channel isochronous with using geometric model of  slope and streamflow hydrographs are proposed. The formulas proposed  by the authors is recommended for practical use, as a supplement to a new regulatory document, which is being developed in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Gopchenko, E., Romanchuk, M., & Ovcharuk, V. (2015). Development of calculated and normative framework in the field of maximum runoff of rain and spring flood: problems and possible solutions. Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Journal, (16), 164-170.
Land Hydrology and Hydroecology