Water balance systems of lakes Yalpuh – Kugurluy (in the period 2006-2014 yy.)
Introduction. Violation of natural water exchange in the lake Yalpug - Kugurluy led to the deterioration of water quality in lakes and their shoaling and silting of lakes and overgrown with reeds.
Purpose. Water system study mode lakes Yalpug - Kugurluy based on water balance equation and the definition and analysis components of the water balance equation system oz.Yalpuh - Kugurluy. Based on this analysis needs to develop to offer optimal functioning oz.Yalpuh - Kugurluy, in terms of its tiered and hydrochemical regimes as well as perform mathematical modeling of reservoir operation in different administrative actions.
Methods. The article used the methods of analysis in theory, the method of water balance.
Results. Established that the greatest impact on the water regime of lakes in incoming parts are precipitation, the expenditure - the evaporation from the water surface of lakes and water exchange мagee system of lakes Yalpug - Kugurluy and Danube river.
Conclusion. It should be a more detailed investigation of the water regime of lakes, the adoption of recommendations for the improvement of water exchange in lakes as well as improve the quality of water for agricultural purposes.
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