Current situation of water quality Dniester River basin in transboundary areas
Introduction. Today there are significant problems of transboundary pollution of the Dniester River basin in Ukraine, including within the Vinnitska oblast.
Purpose. The aim is to assess the current state of the watercourses of the Dniester River basin in transboundary areas with the Republic of Moldova, within the Vinnytska oblast by 2013.
Methods. Evaluation of current watercourses quality in Dnister basin was performed based on the Methodology of environmental assessment of watercourses quality for the relevant category and on the Methods integrated assessment of groundwater contamination.
Results. The results of water quality evaluation of the river Dniester basin in cross-border areas are assigned to them "satisfactory" and "bad" (the average and maximum environmental indices) features state and "dirty" and "dirty" qualifications purity by the Method of environmental assessment of watercourses quality in the relevant categories. By the Method of integral estimation of water courses contamination within the basin of river Dnister in Vinnytska oblast contamination status changed from "harmless" to "intensive". This shows a significant contamination of the river Dniester water basin.
Conclusion. In order to improve the ecological state of the river basin it is necessary to conduct comprehensive monitoring of rivers, set GDS the priority given indicators of water quality, improve the culture of land and water use in watersheds. Priority execution of these measures should be in parts of the basin, characterized by the worst quality. Improvement of the situation with river Dnister basin in the cross-border region with Republic of Moldova should only be done on the state level with help of Euroregion "Dniester" initiative.
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