Physical fundamental of layered structure stability of river-sea region (on the example of the Kola Bay)
Introduction. The process of transfer of dissolved salts in the mixing zone of river-sea in the early stages of mixing. Using the equation of convection-diffusion of impurity transport using variable coefficients of diffusion processes for the analysis of neighborhoods interfaces solutions. The analytical description and modeling of the processes and to assess their impact on the various components of the ecosystem.
The experimental data. We used materials of field observations in the areas of water mixing Kola Bay total length of over 60 km. and the period of renovation of water in the mixing zone, depending on the season at 3-10 days. The results of measurements of the hydrophysical parameters in Kola Bay are presented according to the 25 stations separately for spring and autumn seasons, with a total of more than 5600 field observations.
Results. On the basis of the analytical solution of the problem set that microcurrents gradient across the axis of elongation of form bi-layer hydrodynamic barrier layer, with the effect of blocking the diffusion of ion transport, which contributes to the conservation and sustainability of the layered structures. The results of field measurements for the Kola Bay, confirming the theoretical conclusions. Lamellar structure is formed in the areas of initial contact treatment of various origins, comes from a steady beam isohaline 10-33 ‰, which spreads along the fiber with isohaline 24,7 ‰, extending the strong deceleration at a steady angle of inclination of the border section area of river-sea.
Conclusions. The theoretical conclusions about the formation of a special layer at the boundaries of the mixing zone, the physical effect of blocking ion transport and accelerates the heat transfer through the boundary between fresh and marine waters. Modeling of pollutant transport model for lamellar. Various models of formation of the layered structure in contact marine and fresh waters with different ionic composition.
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