Estimation of the influence of water exchange with the sea conditions on the water level and salinity variability in the Tyligulskyi Liman lagoon
The potentialities of averting a further salinization of the Tyligulskyi Liman lagoon were identified on the basis of the results of the hydrodynamic modelling, using the numerical model Delft3D-FLOW. The means to prevent the salinization in the lagoon include a reconstruction of the “lagoon-sea” interconnecting channel and the changing of its operational schedule, as well as the increasing of the river inflow considering the climatic conditions of the first half of the XXI century. The results of the verification of the hydrodynamic model are given. It is shown that for stabilizing water levels and reducing the rate of the water salinity in the lagoon the most effective option is the year-round operation of the deepened “lagoon-sea” connecting channel. This will be facilitated by a multi-directional exchange of water through the channel caused by wind-induced water level oscillations in the lagoon and in the sea. However, while maintaining the current level of the water management activity in the catchment area of the lagoon, a long-term trend of increasing water salinity in the lagoon still remains. Only the restoration of natural river discharge into the lagoon could reduce the tendency of growing water salinity to a minimum.
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