The distribution of biogenic substances in waters of the North Atlantic

  • M.M. Moniushko
Keywords: biogenic elements, oxygen low, water area, currents, water flow


The article considers the main regularities of distribution of  biogenic elements in accordance with the dissolved oxygen and hydrological characteristics of the marine environment. To study the spatial distribution of biogenic elements taken three main forms of substances in the marine environment: phosphates, nitrates, silicates. Because these compounds in ocean are crucial importance for the development of life. Shows the role of  hydrodynamic factors that most significantly affect the distribution and redistribution of  nutrients in the waters of the North Atlantic. Quantitative evaluation of the nutrient transport system of currents. The calculated weight amount of  phosphates transported by the stream per unit time.


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National oceanographic data center (NODC). Available at:

How to Cite
Moniushko, M. (2015). The distribution of biogenic substances in waters of the North Atlantic. Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Journal, (16), 242-249.
Oceanography and Sea Nature Management