Aerosols dynamics in the atmosphere over Eastern Europe by means of AERONET according to weather conditions during summer 2010
Introduction. Aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere are not only air pollutants but also a factor that affects the climate. The study of the dynamics of aerosol layer properties and aerosol particles properties, and revealing sources of the atmosphere pollution by aerosols is one of the urgent problems of modern environmental sciences. Monitoring of the air pollution caused by aerosols contributes to the determination of its effects on the climate and to the reduction of its negative impacts on the health of the population.
The purpose of this paper is to present the analysis of the dynamics of aerosols in the atmosphere over Eastern Europe. Thus, latest technologies and approaches are used: remote ground-based measurements of the optical properties of aerosol particles with the international sun photometers network AERONET; analysis of fires distribution during summer 2010 with the data application from satellite instrument MODIS; atmospheric dynamics research with the analysis of synoptic situation and modeling of transport of particles with the application of HYSPLIT model.
Results. The peculiarities of changes of aerosol optical depth at 500 nm spectral channel and Angstrom parameter 440-870 nm for 10 AERONET stations in Eastern Europe are discussed in the article. The authors provide complex analysis of aerosols distribution together with natural processes as forest fires and overview these processes considering weather conditions that were conducive for aerosols accumulation during that time. HYSPLIT back trajectories for mentioned stations in the altitude 0.5, 1.5, 3, 4 and 5 km are used as the improvement of results of synoptic analysis. Clear advantage of modelling of transport processes give the ability to receive detailed transport paths, which makes easier to distinguish the origin of aerosols.
Conclusion. Detailed research of aerosols with the application of up-to-date technologies makes the analysis of the optical properties of aerosols over large area quite efficient. The obvious effect of forest fires in European territory of Russia (UTR) on air quality of observational stations of Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Belarus and Estonia is detected and analysed. The further application of satellite measurements of optical properties of aerosols are attempted to be implemented to the further research.
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