Soil quality assessment based on reaction of soil solution and content of heavy metals in the southern part of Odessa Region
Introduction. Land resources suffer from serious anthropogenic influence which negatively influences soil covering. It’s necessary to obtain reliable information about condition of soil to provide rational land using.
Purpose. The objective of this research consists in assessment of quality of soil in the southern part of Odessa Region based on reaction of soil solution and content of heavy metals.
Methods. Assessment of quality of soil covering is carried out on the basis of the established classification of reactions of soil covering and the comparative characteristic of content of heavy metals in soil with indication of maximum permissible concentration of these metals.
Results. Within the territory of the southern part of Odessa Region soils with weakly alkaline and alkaline reactions of soil solution prevail. The areas of soils with neutral reaction don't exceed 23% of the total area of Tatarbunary district. Content of heavy metals is observed in soils of all regions of the southern part of Odessa region.
Conclusion. In order to transfer heavy metals to slow-moving forms liming of soils is carried out with regard to sour soils and gypsuming – with regard to alkaline ones. It is possible to achieve the same purpose through using phosphoric and organic fertilizers. After formation of complexes heavy metals become less mobile and get to vegetation in smaller quantities. It is also possible to reduce intake of heavy metals by vegetation through adding organic ion-exchange substances in soils. Termination of agricultural activity is recommended with respect to the territories where rate of heavy metals’ pollution of air, water, soil and vegetation reaches the level that is critical for human health, and where the system of modern protective methods is no more effective.
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