Peculiarities of homogeneous areas distribution within the fields of hydrometeorological characteristics in the Northern Pacific during the cold season
In order to investigate horizontal distribution of hydro-meteorological characteristics, statistical analysis techniques, including multidimensional statistical analysis techniques (for example, factor, cluster analysis etc.) are usually applied. These techniques allow obtaining not only fields of particular characteristic by means of plotting appropriate isolines, but determining entire homogeneous areas with typical representative point which helps to compress information considerably and to reveal boundaries of distribution of certain characteristic within the entire spatial aggregation.
Schemes of zoning of fields of difference for monthly average temperatures “underlying surface-air” at 2 m height, of surface flows of latent heat, of zonal aspects of wind speed in the Northern Pacific obtained by means of the Universal Iterative Method of Data Clusterization are offered. The obtained clusterization schemes underwent both physical and statistical analyses having good scientific justification. It is shown that distribution of zonal aspect of wind speed has latitudinal direction, and distribution of flows of latent heat and temperature differences has mainly a focal nature. Analysis of variability of boundaries of homogeneous areas, average values of representative vectors, dispersions, mean-square deviations during future time intervals will allow identifying the specific features of climate variability through the example of the fields of hydrometeorological characteristics under study.
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