Characteristic of radiation and thermal resources in Ukraine for the period up to 2050 under conditions of climate change
The article considers parameters of heat and radiation regime within natural and climatic zones of Ukraine for the period of 1986 - 2005 in comparison with their expected changes calculated with regard to two scenarios of climate change: RCP4,5 and RCP8,5 for the period up to 2050. It is noted that during the period up to 2050 there will be an increase of parameters of radiation and thermal regime observed within all natural and climatic zones of Ukraine based on the calculations related to both scenarios. Increase of values of parameters of radiation regime will be observed mainly in the second half of summer and in early autumn. Due to increased amounts of solar radiation in some regions of Ukraine amount of temperatures during the period in question will increase as well with air temperatures exceeding 5°C. However expected increase of amount of temperatures will not exceed 200°C. Increase of amount of temperatures will promote better heat supply for agricultural crops.
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