Effect of forestry of the southern Ukraine on the regulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
The article describes Tsyurupinsk Forest Hunting Range as the most powerful natural ecosystem having an effect on regulation of technology-related processes, namely on reduction of carbon dioxide stress on the environment. Needles of Scots pine and Crimean pine serve as the object of research. Needles were selected from pine trees occupying the largest areas of growth with regard to age class. The studies were conducted using the gasometrical method. The chosen method is based on measuring the rate of absorption of carbon dioxide by needles. Measurement of areas of examined portions of pine trees took place as well. The role of forests for dry steppe subzone of Ukraine was also determined. Data of photosynthesis process occurring in needles of coniferous woods prevailing with respect to areas of growth are demonstrated. The analysis for study of dynamics of carbon dioxide absorption in September – November of 2015 is presented. The most favourable periods of the process of absorption of CO2 are described with a certain decline noted. It has been proved that intensity of absorption of carbon dioxide by needles of Crimean pine is almost twice more than absorption of carbon dioxide by needles of Scots pine.
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