Water quality estimation at the gauge station of the Ingulets River, town of Snigurivka, by hydrochemical parameters
The article contains the results of water quality estimation by hydrochemical parameters at the gauge station of the Ingulets River, town of Snigurivka, during the observation period of 2001-2014 based on modern calculation methods. The analysis of anthropogenic factors affecting change of quality of surface water of the Ingulets River was used. It was found that by hydrochemical parameters waters are mostly "contaminated", "very contaminated", or "catastrophically contaminated". River flow appears to be the main source of water supply for the population and the economy. There is an acute deficit of water in the South of Ukraine. Because of use of rivers for economic activity of Mykolaiv region estimation of the ecological state of the Ingulets River should be carried out. Starting from 2010 a tendency of quality improvement via reducing of petroleum products concentration was discovered. Dynamics of changes pollutants’ concentration shows a decrease of petroleum products’ concentration but over the last years the chemical composition of water in the river has not significantly improved, ability of the river to cleanse and restore itself does not re-turn. The ecological state of the river is characterized as an ecological regress. There is a necessity of further research using modern methods of complex estimation of surface waters sources’ quality.
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