Influence of macrostructure of the hydrometeors on a radar measurement of polarization-doppler weather radars
Possibility of determining models of structures of different hydrometeors and models of their reflectivity with regard to radio-waves was presented. To determine the scaling factor of size distribution of incident particles it is necessary to use horizontal reflective capability, all reflected features of signal can be used to define an average particle size of precipitation and dispersion coefficient. However, the most susceptible characteristics, namely, differential reflective capability and linear depolarization ratio should be chosen. Hence one has an appropriate algorithm processing of a reflected signal. Models of radio-waves reflectivity considering hydrometeors’ microstructure at different stages of their existence were developed to ensure a forecast of meteorological situation changes. The results demonstrate that the use of polarization Doppler meteorological radar stations significantly improve accuracy of assessment of danger caused by meteorological formations.
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