Possible impacts of temperature changes on recreational and tourist activities in Ukraine’s regions
Temperature is one of the main meteorological parameters. It determines the weather and climatic conditions, and impacts on human activities. Weather and climate conditions (precisely air temperature) are the most important factors which affect natural and recreational resources and also stipulate recreational and tourist activities. The article discusses the possible impact of air temperature changes from 2021 to 2050 on recreational and tourist activities in Ukrainian regions. We have analyzed the data gathered by 85 observation stations which are located in various Ukrainian regions. The analysis was based on scenario due to average level of greenhouse gases emissions (medium climate change pattern) for 30 years (2021-2050). The coastal zone in North-western part of the Black Sea has one of the high level of recreational-tourism potential. The fore-cast in this region makes rather small increasing of the temperature in summer time. So, it has not significant influence to the present forms of recreation and tourism activities. The research indicates that changes in average annual, average summer and winter air temperatures according to the scenario will not significantly affect the possibility of summer recreational and tourism activities. Also climate changes will not affect sustainable development of recreation and the level of thermal impact on recreants (tourists) within Ukrainian regions. Following this climate change scenario we don’t anticipate significant deterioration of weather conditions for winter recreation and tourism activities, especially for the Ukrainian Carpathians.
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