Photosynthetic productivity of spring barley under conditions of climate changes
Harvest of agricultural crops depends on availability of biological properties of plants, aggregate of technological measures for plants growth, peculiarities of soil covering and weather and climate conditions, social importance of products and their economic value.
Crop capacity of spring barley depends on many factors, among which there are the most important ones such as light, heat, moisture, mineral nutrition etc. Climate changes that became particularly noticeable during the recent decade cause change of agro-climatic conditions of spring barley growing, which, in their turn, cause change of rates of crops growth, change of parameters of formation of its productivity which significantly determines the level of crop capacity.
Photosynthetic activity of plants depends mainly on supply of solar radiation as the primary source for all biological and physical processes taking place in plants. According to data of studies the role of solar radiation in plants’ life appears to be multilateral one and is determined not only by patterns of change of elements of plants’ photosynthetic activity depending on each other, but also by the influence of changes of agro-climatic and farming practices, plants’ density, standards and periods of irrigation and nutrition.
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