The dynamics of berries quality indicators of technical kinds of grapes during a ripening period
The article describes the main indicators of a grapes crop quality - a sugar content in the juice of grapes and a titratable acidity, which give a special taste to the main production of technical kinds of grapes - dry wines. The methods and tools of the laboratory analysis of these indicators, as well as the methodology of a field experience are described .
The results of laboratory and field experiments, conducted in 2015 in the areas of an ampelography and clonal selection department of NSC of "Institute for Winegrowing and Winemaking named after V. E. Tairov" are represented.
The quality of grapes crop was determined for three grades - Odessa Muscat, Sukholimansky white and Odessa black (respectively medium, later than average and late ripening). Analysis of grape quality indicators was carried out in the dynamics during ripening (from the beginning of ripening to a technical maturity) in four replications for 40 plants on three tiers of the bush - the upper, middle and lower.
It was executed the calculations of glucoacidimetric indicator (GAP) value for grades Odessa Muscat, Sukholimansky white and Odessa black. The following conclusions were obtained. The greatest rate of change of grapes quality indicators of different ripening technical kinds is observed for the grape with the lowest grade ripening period – Odessa Muscat.
The resulting calculations indicate sufficient indicators value to obtain good quality wine materials for making high quality wines.
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