Influence of forestry in the South of Ukraine on carbon dioxide control in the atmosphere
The article describes the need for and the results of research of the process of carbon dioxide absorption by the largest artificial forest in Europe growing in the South of Ukraine, near the town of Oleshky (Tsuryupynsk), on the Lower Dnieper sands, due to increase of air temperature of the planet. Forecasts of scientists around the world force us to concentrate all possible efforts of the planet to preserve its atmospheric air temperature at the level not exceeding by 1.5 - 2 °C. This forestry aroused scientists’ interest because of its location in the Steppe zone of Ukraine and its origin. The article analyzes the current state of the forest hunting range. The species of trees prevailing in the forest stand and occupying the largest area in terms of age classes are specified. Areas of wood species under study depending on their age are also shown. Study of selected species, namely Crimean pine and Scotch pine, in terms of intensity of carbon dioxide absorption by needles from autumn 2015 to summer 2016 was also carried out. Seasonal performance in the form of graphs with analysis of the process under study was demonstrated. The lowest and the highest values of the process under study were noted down. Obtained results make it possible to analyze the processes of carbon dioxide absorption throughout the year by pinaceous species, namely by Crimean pine and Scotch pine.
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