Development of a calculation method for the suspended load in rivers of upper and central Dniester
Studying of modern suspended load has practical value for the development of actions for regulation and stabilization of fluvial geomorphological processes. Work purpose: the creation of a regional method of calculation of suspended load in the absence of these observations. As a result of the use of the method of linear multiple regression with a step-by-step choice of optimum predictors the equations for calculation of average long-term modulus of suspended load of upper and middle part of the Dniester River are received. The main predictors are the average height of river basin, a share of groundwater inflow of the rivers, hydraulicity of a river, distance from the next reservoir located above on current, bias. The received equations have regional character and de-scribe patterns of a spacing of suspended load on the areas allocated on the basis of cluster analysis: Carpathian (right-bank in-flows), Podolsk left-bank and Dniester left-bank, separated by Toltri. It is established that for Podoliya's rivers (left-bank inflows) it is reasonable to carry out calculations of suspended load for water content phases. The accuracy of calculations at the application of the developed equations is higher in comparison with earlier offered techniques.
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