Change of hydrological and morphometric characteristics of Kuyalnik Liman after inflow of seawater
The water level of the liman, volume and area of surface reduced to record low values as a result of intensification of evaporation process in 2014. By the autumn of 2014 the liman was on the verge of extinction. Entry of seawater in the liman through the pipeline began in December of 2014 to prevent environmental degradation of the liman.
Purpose of this publication consists in analyzing the changes of hydrological and morphometric characteristics of Kuyalnik liman in 2014-2016 associated inflow of sea water.
Methods of study. Hydrological and morphometric characteristics of the liman were calculated on the basis of: field studies, bathygraphic curves, data of satellite images «Landsat».
Results. There was dynamics of change of water surface area, volume, level and salinity of liman’s water during the driest periods, at the time and after the inflow of seawater into the liman. The results of measurements of discharge of seawater and coastal watercourses. The effect of evaporative processes taking into account temperature conditions (Odessa, Lyubashevka) on liman’s hydraulicity after the cessation of seawater supply was analyzed.
Conclusion. Inflow of seawater into the liman after the first entry of seawater allowed to temporarily stabilize water-salt regime of the liman, however, hydrological and morphometric characteristics of the liman in autumn of 2015 almost returned to the values of early autumn of 2014. During subsequent inflows of seawater into the liman it is desirable to maintain the regime observed during the inflow of water in 2014-2016.
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