Evaluation of influence of irrigation using the resources of donor river (the Dniester) on characteristics of the annual water runoff of the Baraboy River
The article assesses the characteristics of the annual runoff of the Baraboy River (the Odessa Region), which remains unexplored from the hydrological point of view, under natural conditions and those affected water-related activities, on the basis of the «climate-runoff» model.
The main factors of anthropogenic impact on the hydrological regime of the Baraboy River include a large number of artificial reservoirs and intensive irrigation of agricultural areas using the water resources of the Dniester River. The paper presents estimations of changes of the natural runoff of the Baraboy River in the presence of artificial reservoirs and irrigation using the resources of the donor river (the Dniester). It is shown that, under natural conditions of runoff formation, the river would have to dry out during dry and extremely dry years. Additional evaporation from the surface of artificial reservoirs contributes to a decrease of the annual runoff. Following the use of the «climate-runoff» model it was established that waste waters entering the riverbed from agricultural lands irrigated using the water resources of the donor river (the Dniester) can substantially increase the actual runoff of the Baraboy River at its mouth (by 10-30% for a several years' period, depending on the scale of water management alterations). It is substantiated that the flow of return water, if different real areas of irrigation are taken into account, exceeds the loss of the runoff resulting from additional evaporation from the surface of artificial reservoirs. Donor irrigation provides stable parameters of river runoff during dry and extremely dry years. The disadvantage of donor irrigation is that it causes the effect of land flooding. The «climate-runoff» model allows optimization of the water management alterations ensuring the most efficient use of agricultural land, depending on the extent of its irrigation, its location within the basin, selection of main crops that need irrigation. Therefore, the next stage of research is evaluation of the quality of groundwater within the basin of the Baraboy river under conditions of donor irrigation.
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