Evaluation of the extent of favourableness of the territory of the Odesa Region for placement of solid household waste landfills
The substantiation of selection of places for possible placement of modern interdistrict landfills of solid household waste (SHW) in the territory of the Odessa Region is an urgent task of ensuring ecological safety and sustainable development of the region. The purpose of the work is to assess natural and socio-economic conditions across the administrative districts of the Odessa Region in connection with substantiation of selection of places for possible placement of modern SHW landfills. The scope of the study includes solid waste landfills. Subject of the study covers substantiation of selection of places for possible placement of SHW landfills in Odesa Region. A critical analysis of the regulations containing the requirements to modern SHW landfills and their locations formed the methodological basis of the work. When carrying out the study published data and materials of own research were used. Schematic maps were built using one of the tools of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - the Quantum GIS package. To estimate the degree of favourableness of the territory of the Odesa Region for placement of SHW landfills the following indicators were used: estimated volumes of SHW formation, thousand tons per year; relative area of dumps and landfills (%); module of total technogenic load; relative area of land damaged by erosion processes (%); relative area of impounded and potentially impounded lands (%); relative area of development of karst occurrence (%); number of landslides within the area; relative area of development of technogenic exogenous geological processes (%). The above indicators are expressed in points: 3 points - favorable conditions; 2 points - relatively favorable conditions; 1 point - unfavorable conditions. At this stage of research it is impossible to establish which of these indicators is a priority. According to the analyzed physical and geographical, engineering and geological, hydrogeological, technogenic and socio-economic indicators the possibilities of placement of modern interdistrict SHW landfills within the territory of the districts of the Odesa Region are nonequivalent. Theoretical and practical importance: an effective system of greening recreational and tourism activities will help to improve the environment within the territory of the National Nature Park in the Lower Dniester Basin.
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